



1. 正骨推拿:南宁的正骨推拿技术历史悠久,通过专业手法对骨骼进行调整,缓解肌肉紧张,改善身体机能。在南宁灸五中医诊所,您可以体验到专业的正骨推拿服务,价格实惠,效果显著。

2. 艾灸:艾灸是中医养生的重要方式之一,具有祛寒湿、温经通络的作用。在南宁,您可以找到专业的艾灸馆,享受艾灸带来的舒适体验。

3. 盲人按摩:南宁的盲人按摩技术同样享誉全国,盲人按摩师凭借多年的经验,手法娴熟,能够精准地找到穴位,为您带来一场放松身心的按摩之旅。



1. 水疗按摩:温州的水疗按摩采用温泉水、药浴等多种方式,结合专业手法,达到放松身心、促进血液循环的效果。

2. 足疗:温州的足疗历史悠久,手法独特,通过对足部的按摩,调节全身气血,改善睡眠质量。

3. 美容按摩:温州的美容按摩结合了中医养生理念,采用天然植物精华,为您的肌肤带来呵护。


























1. 养生理念:南宁健康养生中心倡导“中医养生,健康生活”的理念,注重从传统养生文化中汲取智慧,为现代人提供科学、实用的养生方法。

2. 服务质量:中心环境优雅,设施齐全,服务态度热情,让每一位参与者都能感受到家的温馨。

3. 专业团队:中心拥有一支经验丰富的中医、瑜伽等领域的专业团队,为参与者提供全方位的养生指导。

4. 互动性强:直播活动中的互动环节,让参与者充分参与到养生知识的学习和分享中来。





1. 顶级桑拿服务:南宁男士SPA会所以顶级桑拿服务著称,专业的技师为您带来超高品质的享受。在高温的桑拿房中,您将感受到全身毛孔扩张,汗液排出,从而促进新陈代谢,排除体内毒素。

2. 专业养生:南宁男士SPA会所拥有专业的养生经验,针对男士的身体特点,提供个性化的养生方案。从肩颈按摩到腰臀部SPA,从草本热敷到药浴泡脚,全方位呵护您的健康。

3. 私密安静:南宁男士SPA会所为高端人士量身打造,私密安静的环境让您在放松的同时,彰显尊贵地位。独立包厢、简食养生茶、免费淋浴等一站式服务,让您尽情享受。

4. 芳香精油:在技术娴熟的专业按摩下,加上深受客人喜爱的芳香精油,能量渗透到体内,改善血液循环,放松肌肉,达到净化身心的目的。这些精油均为天然成分,让您在享受的同时,更加放心。

5. 排毒SPA:南宁男士SPA会所为追求健康生活的您提供针对性的排毒SPA项目,如淋巴排毒等。通过精心准备的专属排毒精油,帮助您缓解疲劳,焕发活力。


1. 减压头疗肩颈/腰臀部SPA:缓解因长时间工作导致的肩颈、腰臀部疲劳,让您重拾活力。

2. 香薰按摩:在专业技师的操作下,通过香薰精油的作用,让您身心得到放松,缓解压力。

3. 草本热敷药浴泡脚:利用草本植物的热敷和药浴泡脚,促进血液循环,消除疲劳。

4. 独立包厢简食养生茶:在私密空间内,品味养生茶,享受宁静时光。








1. 专业的推拿按摩:中心拥有一支技术精湛、经验丰富的推拿按摩团队,他们运用中医推拿、按摩等传统手法,帮助您缓解疲劳、改善睡眠、调节内分泌,达到强身健体的目的。

2. 多样化的按摩项目:中心提供多种按摩项目,如全身按摩、局部按摩、头部按摩、肩颈按摩、足底按摩等,满足不同人群的需求。

3. 精选的按摩油:南宁东盟健康中心选用优质按摩油,如橄榄油、乳木果油、薰衣草油等,为您的按摩体验增添一抹香气。

4. 个性化的服务:根据您的需求,中心提供一对一的专业咨询服务,为您量身定制合适的按摩方案。

5. 优质的服务态度:中心员工热情周到,服务细致入微,让您在享受按摩的同时,感受到家的温馨。


1. 睡眠调理:针对失眠、多梦、易醒等睡眠问题,中心采用专业的按摩手法和针对性的按摩油,帮助您改善睡眠质量。

2. 肩颈调理:长期伏案工作、使用电子产品等导致肩颈疼痛,中心通过肩颈按摩、刮痧等手法,缓解您的肩颈疲劳。

3. 足疗养生:足底按摩有助于促进血液循环、缓解疲劳、改善睡眠,中心采用专业足疗手法,为您带来舒适的足疗体验。

4. 面部护理:针对面部肌肤问题,中心提供专业的面部护理服务,如补水、美白、祛痘等,让您的肌肤焕发光彩。


### 南宁按摩店推荐:放松身心,享受舒适体验


#### 1. 南宁市足部按摩店

#### 2. 洁玉香按摩店

#### 3. 曼丝按摩店

#### 4. 满巧艺按摩店

#### 5. 金林按摩店

#### 6. 舒美生活馆(G324店)

#### 7. D女郎(横县店)

#### 8. 郑远元足底按摩店











Pang Xia was relieved, although I don’t know how Zhang Sanfeng came here.

But he knew that this time he was finally not going to the security hall to report.
"Finally there is a master sample."
Relax. Come on, Pang Xia, there’s no orthomorphism and it’s shown again
Zhang Sanfeng turned supercilious look when he heard Pang Xia’s words and said, "Your master is Li Qiushui, so don’t climb around."
"Feed not so stingy.
Didn’t you just worship Li Qiushui? She’s different from you. Besides, it’s inappropriate for an old man to be so proud! "
"Don’t tell you more. I’ll deal with this guy first."
Zhang Sanfeng put a black-and-white Dan medicine into Pang Xia’s mouth and almost got stuck in his throat and was suffocated.
Zhang Sanfeng step three shaking came to the front of Mogu a pair of seven not aren’t.
Obviously, led by someone, Zhang Sanfeng has made great strides towards Wudang Mountain.
"Yo Mo Gu heard that you want to kill my apprentice?"
"Zhang Sanfeng, he is just a player. What can I do if I even kill him?
You have to remember that human beings are the biggest people in the world in our world … "
Before Mogu finished speaking, Zhang Sanfeng’s palm directly touched his face.
"I heard that you want to kill my apprentice?"
Listen, Zhang Sanfeng asked the same question as before, and his face was burning, and Mogu suddenly became furious.
He was about to fight back when he clenched his fists in both hands and heard the "pa" again. At the same time, the burning feeling in the same place appeared again.
"I heard that you want to kill my apprentice?"
"Zhang Sanfeng, don’t insult others too much!"
"pa! I heard that you want to kill my apprentice? "
"Zhang Sanfeng you …"
"pa! I heard that you want to kill my apprentice? "
"Zhang Sanfeng …"
"pa! I heard that … "
"Zhang …"
"I was wrong, please stop fighting!"
"I admit my mistake!" Burying his face in Mogu, he looked at Zhang Sanfeng like a dissatisfied housewife.
Looking at it, I almost cried. Mogu Zhang Sanfeng rarely coughed and said, "Well, it feels good. Now that you admit your mistake, let’s talk about compensation."
"compensation? Look at me. Now that the dead are dying out, you still want me to pay for it! "
"pa! Compensation or not? "
Burying his face in Mogu’s face, he wants to cry!
Chapter DiYiSiJiu Day first budo conference
"What compensation do you want?
Mogu blushed as if she were about to bleed.
He looked at Zhang Sanfeng but dared not show any dissatisfaction.
Although there is a level difference between the great master and the great master, it is a world apart.
Zhang Sanfeng was just about to speak when suddenly it seemed as if he had thought of something.
He turned his head and looked at Pang Xia. At this time, there was a dark data stream in his eyes.
Soon Zhang Sanfeng turned his head back.
"I want" Seven Wounded Boxing "and" Ancient Seven Wounded Boxing Classics ".
A Mogu can still keep calm when he hears it. After all, the Kongtong school is only a "Seven Wounded Boxing" that can have some value.
But when he heard that Zhang Sanfeng wanted "The Ancient Seven Wounded Boxing Classics", he immediately roared, "Zhang Sanfeng, you have gone too far!
This "Ancient Seven Wounded Boxing Classics" is the true essence of my Kongtong Sect. You want this skill, which is the foundation of my Kongtong Sect! "
"Didn’t you kill all the roots of the Kongtong Sect? What is there?"
"You …! Zhang Sanfeng than don’t force me to larger foe with you! "
"Suit yourself, but if the fish dies, it is certain that the net will not be broken, so it is not necessarily a word to give or not to give."

But now the situation is a bit wrong.

Jiang Fuhe unexpectedly gave up his local defense and turned to encirclement and suppression of Bianhuang lone wolves.
Of course, everyone is a man of age, and naturally Bai Jiangfu is so honest. It is very simple that Jiang Fufu feels the great pressure of Bianhuang lone wolf. It is more ideal to really intercept Bianhuang lone wolf outside the sword school or directly kill it on the spot.
Otherwise, once Bianhuang Lone Wolf joins the Sword Sect, it is conceivable that his position as Jiang Fuju will be challenged and threatened.
In a sense, this is not in line with the interests of the sword faction.
But now this situation is very ambitious.
Sun Hao turned his body gently in the encirclement calmly, but it was still easy in the voice, "I am honored that the two big brothers fought so hard and were alone."
Brother Ling Tian’s banner shook his head slowly and said, "Let’s do it according to the rules and not interfere in Bianhuang hunting. Let’s see what they can do."
His friar came crashing down and calmed down, and there was a banner to hunt and fly
At this time, seeing him surrounded, Ji’s family was anxious for him, especially Ji Yuliu, who repeatedly muttered, "It’s time to run! Why don’t you run?"
Sun Hao in the field has been surrounded.
Man Tian Lang said, "Jiang Fu, your sword faction is in charge of me, and the barbarian is in charge of the ground. Don’t confuse it again."
Jiang Fuhe said a "good" and sent more than 20 younger brothers to take up the sword and aim at Sun Hao.
The barbarian warriors on the ground erected huge axes like iron drums, and the sun reflected harsh light to surround Sun Haowei in the middle.
Sun Hao is glittering all over, and there is still a black scarf that can cut off the gods’ knowledge, making people unable to see his expression clearly.
However, I can see that Sun Hao is on alert but not very flustered when I turn my body slightly and tremble my hands slightly.
Facing the siege, we don’t shy away from choosing World War I.
I don’t know where you come from and what kind of confidence you have, but you can’t escape from the axe …
Barbarian soldiers crashed a vertical axe, and the blade of the sun axe flashed. Barbarian soldiers ran quickly in a circle.
Zhongjiang Fuke is also a binge drinker.
Ling Tianjian sent his brother to cover Sun Hao’s square Sun Hao’s origin and quickly circled.
On the ground, Sun Hao’s legs sank slightly, his right hand stretched forward, his palm slowly pushed out, and a very standard Tai Chi Youlong palm gesture was placed on his chest.
Xiaoqing light shout "he is going to tai chi Youlong palm against the enemy".
Ji Yan frowned. "This move can’t stand it!"
Her family soldiers secretly shouted in the heart is not good, even Ji Ruxue jade face sank and couldn’t help but look straight at the battlefield.
The axe blade is like a tide, and the sword is as light as a net
In the binge drinking, heaven and earth attacked the lone wolf on the ground.
Many lurking barbarian soldiers on the ground can’t help but get up. The periphery of the core area is closely watching the development of the war.
Of course, all people don’t pinch a cold sweat for Bianhuang lone wolf, which makes people feel that it is very likely that the lone wolf will be wiped out in this blow.
Sun Hao’s body rotates slightly in the center of the attack, which seems to be slow, and his right hand is also slow, as if he were holding something and raising his hand to the sky.
The left hand also slowly stretched out from the chest through the bottom of the right elbow and raised my hand and grabbed it.
It seems that both hands are gentle and there is no strength, but the sword net in the sky and the axe shadow on the ground seem to be a big sea returnee flow, which is generally pulled by his hands and quickly and accurately turned into two huge energy spheres.
Pretty good days and Jiang Fu great slightly one leng.
Suddenly, I heard the lone wolf in the field say coldly, "Come and be indecent, and the two will take it."
The left and right hands suddenly accelerated, and Sun Hao’s hands slammed out along the momentum.
The shadow of the axe on the ground gathered into a silver dragon, which was roared by Sun Haoyi and rushed towards the sky.
The heavenly sword net was also pulled into a huge lightsaber by Sun Hao and swept to the barbarian warriors.
Extremely fast, suddenly
And it’s the kind of attack that both sides have great power.
Almost roar loud and be careful. At the same time, it’s a day to scream "ahhh". Five Jian Paidi will not react and will be directly sprayed with blood by the Silver Dragon through the dumplings.
On the other hand, there are also three barbarian soldiers on the ground who are directly swept off by a huge lightsaber and are holding a huge axe and looking at their waistline stupefied.
Booming sword sent brother landed barbarian warriors also crashing forward to the scene a bloody.
Corleone’s body shook his mouth slightly and vomited an one mouthful blood. Then he laughed. "It’s just that he was badly hurt by the force. It was really bad. Hahaha …"
There was silence in the field except Sun Haoxiao.
On the sidelines, the monks or soldiers also looked dull.
Five swordsmen and three barbarian warriors were killed in one stroke. The current incident is really big, and I don’t know how it will end.
Ji Ruxue’s eyes are as bright as stars, and he said slowly, "This is not Tai Chi’s Youlong palm. This is the ultimate martial art of Tai Chi. I mean, I didn’t expect to see it today. It’s really amazing …"
Tai Chi substitute flowers for trees!
Great fighting skill. The soldiers in her family are surging with emotion. I didn’t expect her family to have such great martial arts.
So what is the identity of the lonely wolf in Bianhuang? Could it be Ji’s brother?
Chapter DiYiSiEr Real strength six
Destroyed five swordsmen and three barbarian warriors with one stroke.
Is this the true strength of Bianhuang lone wolf?
Instantly quiet outside the battlefield, even though Bianhuang lone wolf vomited blood and claimed that he was seriously injured, everyone thought it might not be credible.
Bianhuang lone wolf’s momentum is still strong, and his fighting spirit is still high
And after killing so many monks, he still stood proudly on the spot with no intention of escaping.
Jiang Fuhe and Man Yitian are gloomy as water.
It’s such a big loss this time, if both of them are humiliated and gain great reputation, whether they can stop the lone wolf will not be easy for both of them.
What makes them even more uncomfortable is that Bianhuang lone wolf still stands in front of them like a strong boulder, making it difficult for them to ride a tiger.
At this time, if Bianhuang lone wolf breaks through, to tell the truth, they have no idea to stop it at all.
But the lone wolf in Bianhuang just doesn’t walk away. What does it mean?
Looked at each other with Man Shen Tian, and said slowly, "Man Shen Tian, you should lead the noble warrior to retreat a little bit, don’t let him take advantage of it, and let my Sword Sect brother learn his brilliant idea alone."
I don’t know to what extent and how many times the lone wolf can use this magical grafting technique. The best way is not to let him borrow.
Friar Da Neng’s face was as heavy as water, and his friar was silent.
One-time loss of seven registered brothers who have been trained for many years almost lost one-third of the brothers who participated in hunting, and the loss was a bit beyond the psychological endurance of many monks.
Of course, it is beyond the Bianhuang hunting routine.

After all this work, Castro took a good look at Guti’s face while waiting for the red light. "You look good and don’t want to be like before. It seems that I have to arrange it every year to let you have a good rest. If the money is gone, don’t think about it. Just make another World Cup and we will bet on Argentina to lose." Castro still remembers that former Guti even had nightmares on the plane. He mistakenly thought that Guti was young and energetic and bought a lottery ticket at the World Cup, but he lost a lot of money.

The agent, he plans to fight with Guti, and he will buy Argentina and lose in major games in the future, but he doesn’t know that Guti has unilaterally defected, but there is no way for Argentina to have Lei Dongduo in the future. The sacred light is too strong, and Guti has long been afraid to resist.
The two chatted casually all the way, and then they came to the TV station. Castro accompanied Guti to make up, and all kinds of makeup artists tried to make him paint Guti’s makeup to the perfection.
I waited for a while for everything to be packed, and it was time to record the program.
Guti was led to the background board of the program. There are two single person sofa presenter Aznar sitting on one of the sofas. When she saw Guti coming, she smiled at him slightly.
"Don’t be nervous. Our program was recorded and wrong, but it won’t be difficult for me to be cute, and I won’t be difficult for Victoria, the male god in my heart." She winked at Guti deliberately, hoping to calm Guti’s mood and let him not be too nervous when recording the program for a while. Although the program can be re-recorded, no one will dislike recording it less.
Guti nodded and smiled at Aznar. "I know that Miss Aznar is the kindest. My mother likes you very much. Can we take a photo later?" If I can’t get a photo with you, my mother won’t let me into the house, "he said deliberately, and his blue eyes were full of prayers."
Aznar felt her heart beat violently when she saw Guti’s eyes. She secretly felt that the heroine of the horizontal bar was still in a Disney movie. It’s not easy to dress up as a man. She has seen so many stars, and the host is a little unbearable. Besides, what about the ordinary audience? Such people will definitely be popular in the future and must play well.
With this in mind, Aznar carefully recalled that he would ask for a while to make sure that it would not cause discomfort to the other party, and then sit there quietly waiting for the director’s sign.
Soon the director gave the signal that Aznar immediately switched to the professional side of the professional host. She greeted the audience naturally in front of the camera lens and then introduced today’s guests conveniently.
The camera lens turned to Guti Guti, and it was not obvious that he was a newcomer to the film industry. It was also natural to greet the audience kindly.
Looking over there, smiling and greeting the camera, Guti Aznar once again feels that she is even better than Oprah. It seems that her program will be successfully recorded today.
"Fina, can I call you that? You can also call me Christina Aznar and chat with Guti according to the inherent procedure of the program.
Goody nodded. "Of course, but my family and friends call me that. Besides, I think it would be a great honor if I get permission from my dear Christina to call you by your name. My mother likes you very much. If she sees this in front of the camera, she will be very happy." Goody smiled sweetly at the camera. I believe that when the program is broadcast, it will attract many mothers to scream and scream.
"Do you care about your family?"
Guti shrugged. "Who can not care about family? They are my driving force and my pillar. "
Aznar looked at the beautiful blonde girl and explained her love for her family. She looked very sincere and once again muttered in her mind, whether it is true or not, at least those viewers will like it in front of the TV.
Watching Guti perform unexpectedly well, Aznar also redoubled his spirits. After all, if she doesn’t put in a good word, Guti will beat her, which is unbearable for a famous host like her.
Next, whether the host or the guests showed their best, which made the director who was watching on the sidelines very happy. The recording of this program was smooth and there will be a good response when it is broadcast later.
While thinking about the director, I motioned for Aznar to enter a link.
After receiving the signal, Aznar smiled and took out a stopwatch. "You should enter the most exciting part of our program and answer it for one minute. Dear Fina, you should know the requirements of this part. You must answer honestly."
Guti smiled with cooperation. He knew that this was the reserved part of the program. Each guest had to answer various questions in one minute while the host was timing. Of course, it would not be so simple. When answering questions, guests had to wear professional lie detectors, while walking with stopwatches at a high speed. Often, these guests would be rejected at this stage, and the audience would be very excited to watch it. After all, there was a lie detector. Maybe one guest accidentally let slip or told a lie and made a fool of himself.
However, Guti is not afraid of these. As Castro said, he even participated in the Oprah show for this minute. What is there to be afraid of? If he hadn’t asked about rebirth topics, he wouldn’t have anything to be afraid of. Besides, the program group had given Castro a wide range of these questions before, although there would be problems immediately, and he knew all the questions that might be asked.
"Then we’re done." Aznar looked at the worker who helped put on the polygraph. Guti stopped the clock after getting permission from the other side.
There are workers holding up big cards and asking Guti to answer questions. In the later stage of the program, they will make the subtitles of the questions clear to the audience in front of the camera.
Guti saw the first question clearly-"What’s your favorite family?"
"I like them all"
"favorite sports?"
"Favorite team?"
"Real Madrid"
"favorite music?"
"rock music"
"favorite idol?"
Guti did not hesitate to answer "Hernando Lei Dongduo" directly.
Aside from the timing, Aznar picked his eyebrows. I didn’t expect this new movie star to be a real Madrid fan like her, but she likes idols, not the big stars or the old stars in Real Madrid. She has only been in the team for two years. Lei Dongduo, a real Madrid fan, just got to know Lei Dongduo. I didn’t expect that little girls would directly get people to the idol position. Now it’s strange that these little girls like it
Guti answered these questions intuitively and didn’t think too much. He didn’t care too much about who he said his idol was. After all, this question is really true. Even though Lei Dongduo hasn’t established his position in Real Madrid yet, there used to be many admirers of the Bernabeu, and Guti was probably one of them.
At this time, Guti didn’t know what effect it would bring if he answered this question. Lei Dongduo would sit in front of the TV for a long time when he saw this program, and he would even keep this program on video. At that time, Guti had left Spain to work, and his mother, Cute Plug, accompanied Maria to see her dear Fina to record the program. When he heard that Guti’s idol was Lei Dongduo, the plug blew up, so he didn’t give Lei Dongduo a good look in Real Madrid for the next few days. The law changed and did the right thing with Lei Dongduo.
Of course, this program not only brings Lei Dongduo a more idiotic black brain, but also brings him some benefits. For example, in the future, he will go to Gutierrez’s house to discuss marriage. When he first meets his parents-in-law, Maria remembers that her future son-in-law is a baby daughter, and her idol is absolutely good enough for him.
I don’t know that my words have a big impact. Guti’s workers help unload those small polygraph instruments.
"We’re going to record some tidbits" Aznar woke him up.
Guti nodded, knowing that there would be some recording tidbits at the end of each program.
Two people are chatting, and the camera is still working next to them.
"Are you a Real Madrid fan? What a coincidence! Me too! "Aznar said first.
“Hala Madrid!” Guti immediately followed the sentence, then got up and followed the same sentence. Aznar high-five.
The two men took their seats again, and this time Aznar’s expression became more cordial. She looked at Guti as if she were a close friend of her sorority.
"Just when you answered that your favorite sport was football, I was wondering if you would say that your favorite team is Real Madrid."
"I have no other options," Goody said directly.
"Really loyal Meiling, but I didn’t expect that your idol would choose Real Madrid, Lei Dongduo, me and you would choose those Hollywood stars more."
Guti smiled confidently. "I think I will be a big star in your mouth in the future. I am a star, but my idol is really Hernando Lei Dongduo." He suddenly remembered something and laughed. "But I like Real Madrid players best but not him."
Aznar asked strangely, "Lei Dongduo is your idol. What is not your favorite player? Then may I know who your favorite player is?"
Guti’s answer made Aznar stunned, and then she remembered why Guti got her name. "Oh, by the way, I forgot that Guti is also a real Madrid star. Is he you?"
"My brother’s twin brother is my favorite Real Madrid player, and I hope he can always work hard to be so good."
The blonde girl slowly narrates her expectation for her younger brother. This is the last shot recorded by the video camera and the end of this program. Ordinary viewers know another Guti through this passage. Even if they are not fans of Real Madrid or even competitors, fans also know that Miss Guti and her younger brother Jean-Claude Juncker, who plays for Real Madrid, have become quite famous in Spain. In the future, when he became a Spanish football superstar, people probably forgot that his earliest popularity was brushed out by his twin sister, who is also a superstar.
Similarly, at that time, my sister said that her idol was Lei Dongduo. After seeing this scene and hearing her sister’s expectations for herself, she immediately degenerated from a violent state to a cute state. She was proud for a long time, and then she devoted herself to finding trouble with Lei Dongduo while showing off all kinds of things. He was his sister’s favorite Real Madrid player. Usually, at this time, those real Madrid players who were also degraded by him would hug and repair the bear child, while Lei Dongduo silently watched the game and considered which teammate to stimulate to repair the bear child.
Castro was satisfied with the successful recording of the program, and Guti replied that he could arrange several more similar programs. He might even consider giving Guti a host to try the water.
Since the holiday is over, Castro has used his excellent agent strength to find a room for the Guti twins that suits their needs, and then arranged for someone to help them move.
When everything was ready, Castro sat in the living room of Guti’s new home and put on several plays in front of him.
Guti withdrew his eyes and looked into the living room next door. On the other side was Sexin’s house. Castro really found two houses with the same appearance. The pattern of strength was almost the same, and the price was also reasonable. At that time, when he saw the house, he was happy to buy it, but he still had a youth training contract. The little player didn’t have enough money. Finally, he sponsored a sum of money for him and signed an iou with everyone, determined to pay it off as soon as possible. Now that little boy is rolling around in the living room next door like a puppy. This is what Guti thinks at the same time.
"So many plays?" He finally turned his attention to the immediate drama.
"Your film received a good response, and many producers came to you. Disney also wanted to make a film with you, but I refused."
Guti didn’t ask Castro why he refused Disney. He believed that Castro had always cooperated well in these years.
"So in these plays?"
Castro took out two copies of these plays, "These two films are both my favorite, one is to play a supporting role and the other is to play a leading role, both of which are more impactful in awards."
Guti picked up a play, and when he saw the name, he raised his eyebrows and it was actually this one-
"Braveheart" by Paramount Pictures
Guti didn’t expect Castro to get the play for him. He vaguely remembered that Braveheart seemed to gain a lot at the Oscars.
As soon as Guti picked up the play, Castro immediately introduced, "This is Paramount investment. It is said that mel gibson wrote, directed and played the heroine. It has been confirmed that it is Sophie Marceau. You are going to play an important female match for the hero Wallace’s wife."
Guti nodded. He remembered that the hero’s wife was his favorite in this movie, and was finally killed by the British. It was really a brilliant role to live in the hero’s heart forever.